
Charity Auction

Our Charity Auction and dinner in June 2019 was a great success.

Lots of companies in the Nottingham area gave us items to auction one of which was donated by Paul Smith of Nottingham which raised £250.

Dean Love from Fundraising Auctions who presided over the Silent Auction also contributed brilliantly to the occasion and came to the rescue when our card reader refused to work! The final amount raised was £2,700!

HUGE thank you to all of you who contributed and to our staff who did a magnificent job organising the evening, particularly Hannah Davis and Val Thompson. 

Hannah and Val were presented with a bouquet during the evening.

Photos courtesy of Les Taylor

Puddin’ Together

Do your friends fancy themselves as food critics?

Are you surrounded by Domestic Goddesses or are they more familiar with off the shelf?

To raise money for the Wainman Trust we invite you to invite your friends over for an evening of all things delicious – well hopefully!

Each person brings a baked item giving a suggested £5 donation on the evening, whether it be cake, pie or tart, we leave that up to you.

You may want to have a chocolate themed evening, ask everyone to bake the same thing and have a carrot cake evening or just just let your guests bake their favourites.

What you need to do

Download the instructions here.

  1. Pick a day and venue and invite your friends using the invitation provided.
  2. When guests arrive, take their entry and give it a Place Card number. Make sure you keep a list of names and corresponding numbers, so you can announce the winner. Try not to let other guests see the entries as they come in, this keeps it truly anonymous until the winner is announced, only you should know.
  3. Hand out the score sheets and let the people eat cake! (In the interests of hygiene you may want to provide a spoon per individual per pudding entry!)
  4. Collect the score sheets and the entry with the highest score is the winner. You could present them with our winners certificate and a small prize of your choosing.
  5. Take a photo of the winner with their bake, send it to us and with their permission we’ll pop it on our website. If they are happy to share their recipe with us, all the better.
  6. Send us any money you have raised.

A massive THANK YOU!


Why not support the Trust by organising your own fundraising event.

It’s even more fun if you can involve your family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues or churches too.

It doesn’t need to be anything as daring as a parachute jump, just something that gets people involved and raises the Trust’s profile by communicating what we are trying to achieve.

Perhaps you have a skill that you could charge for?

One lady is doing French conversation lessons for a week and another is teaching a group how to make successful pavlovas!

If you are thinking of running an event we would be very happy to support you by featuring the event on our Facebook page and on the website.

Our Directors are also very happy to talk to interested groups about the vision and aims of the Trust.