A Heart for Seniors

What We Do

Our mission is to provide safe places for older people to enjoy life, be cared for and make new friends.


The Wainman Trust has been established to raise funds to build a Care Community designed specifically for older people and embracing a Christian ethos.


Our Charity Auction and dinner in June 2019 was a great success. Charles Hanson, of the BBC show ‘Bargain Hunt’ was our celebrity auctioneer, and made the whole occasion enormous fun.

Get Involved

Volunteering and fundraising are two very important ways to get involved. We also benefit from the support of numerous grant making Charitable Trusts. The following are details of current volunteering opportunities.

Our vision for care is to enable older people to live happy and productive lives as far as possible, whilst having their health needs met which benefits everyone. We believe this is the right of all older people whatever their faith, no faith, ethnicity or financial status.


Loneliness is a national disease in the over 60s and is the route cause of many problems. Looking after the whole person is important for sustaining long-term health and wellbeing.


The approximate cost per week to provide a home cooked meal, activities, entertainment and help towards the cost of day trips at each of our Together clubs. We currently have 80+ members.

Over 40%

Although members of Together clubs range from 60 years, 40% of our members are aged over 85 years. Our eldest member is 96, is fit and active and walks to the club each week!

Our Views

Promoting the welfare and wellbeing of older people while upholding the Christian principles of living and serving others.

High Quality Residential Care

We will seek to provide high quality residential care and assisted living

The secret of good care is expertly trained and motivated staff, who are given the opportunity to be included in decision making and who can expect to receive proper remuneration with regard to their qualifications or experience. Even before the Government’s recent recommendations we were committed to paying the ‘Living Wage’ as a minimum.

How do we do this?

We recruit, train and develop a skilled and caring team of experts

By ensuring that we recruit, train and develop a skilled and caring team. Staff will be mentored and encouraged to develop their skills on an on-going basis.

Residents, along with friends and neighbours will have the opportunity to join day trips and participate in activities creating opportunities to make new friends and participate in the wider community.